Discover your potential.

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Hi I am Jimena!

As a Mental Performance Consultant and the founder of HeadStrong Elite Performance, I help my clients develop their MENTAL STRENGTH so they can PERFORM at their best, LOVE what they do, and UNLOCK their potential!

I know that “working harder" is not always the answer, you can't just "calm down," and your fears feel real, BUT I also know you got this. You possess the most powerful instrument on this planet! YOUR MIND.

Why not learn about it?

Sport Experience

National gymnast, Team Canada

Academic Background

BA Kinesiology and Psychology, Western University

MS in psychology, Maastricht University, Netherlands

MPC, Canadian Sport Psychology Association

Ph.D candidate at the University of Alberta

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.